por E.F. Mohammed MartinezLa Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, Alta California - July, 8, 2007 - (ACN) Nuestras tierras de AZTLAN (Mexico Ocupado) desde California hasta Tejas nunca fueron voluntariamente accedidos. Los invasores colonialistas EuroameriKKKanos llegaron a Plymouth RocKKK, Massachusetts en Diciembre 1620, …ILEGALMENTE! (Que novedad! Eh?!) Desafortunadamente el error mas grande que hicieron nuestros hermanos indigenas Nativos Americanos cuando llegaron los antepasados de los hoy NUESTROS ENEMIGOS gringos, fue que no les pidieron a estos Europeos rapinas malagradecidos la mentada “tarjeta verde” o un “pasaporte” antes de dejarlos entrar a estas tierras! (Si chuy!) En donde quiera se cocen habas porque lo miso puedo decir del error que hicieron nuestros mismos antepasados INDIGENAS AZTECAS con Hernan Cortez y su chusma de invasores rapinas por igual.

Pueblo, vamos al grano. Despues de mas de 387 anos, hoy NOSOTROS sufrimos las consequencias del colonialismo ameriKKKano anglo sajon y sus CRIMINES GLOBALES EN CONTRA LA HUMANIDAD! Los abusos y ataques racistas policiales en conjunto con las redadas y deportaciones massivas por parte de ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) en contra nuestras comunidades de RAZA continuan con RACISMO a lo descarado y a diario sin cuartel. Y los neoNAZIS RACISTAS MINUTEMEN no se quedan atras tampoco!
La fracasada supuesta “Amnestia” nunca fue beneficiante para NUESTROS indocumentados que residen en este pais de “Los United EstateQuietos”. (Tiene mejor suerte conseguir la “Amnestia” en el MacArthur Park!) Si esa ley hubiera pasado, aun sin duda resultaria en la separacion de millares de NUESTRAS familias por varios anos que los obligarian a tener que regresar a sus paises de origen y sin ninguna garantia que se les iban a solucionar su estado migratorio despues de gastar miles de dolares imposibles para la mayoria de los trabajadores indocumentados que son de bajos recursos y no pueden contar con esas altas cifras. La realidad de este caso, fue que la ley vetada por el Senado Estadounidense sobre el tema de la “Amnestia” NUNCA fue una intencion de buena fe desde el inicio. Solo fue paja politica! Como dice el dicho; “ERA PURO PAN Y CIRCO”! (Por no dicirlo mas “feo”!)
Ahora preguntemos la polemica siguiente; Que tenemos en comun con NUESTROS hermanos Arabes Palestinos a miles de kilometros lejanos quienes viven bajo el colonialismo Europeo criminal TERRORISTA apartheid (Segregacion) AshkeNAZI dizque “Judio Israelita” en “Israel”?! MUCHO! Estos Judios de origin Europeos invasores que se autodominan “Israelitas”, NUNCA fueron indigenas a esta tierras Palestinas. La mayoria de estos invasores ILEGALES blancos “Israelitas” Zionistas provienen de Russia, Polonia, Alemania y el resto de Europa. Despues de la segunda Guerra Mundial, los sobrevivientes del holocausto de Adolfo Hitler, los Judios opremidos eventualmente hoy son los opresores buitres que existen en las tierras Palestinas OCUPADAS! Los autodominados “Israelitas” fueron buenos alumnos de Hitler que hoy cometen las mismas brutalidades y atrocidades a sangre fria en contra el pueblo INDIGENA Palestino! Los Palestinos viven a diario bajo la brutalidad del un Estado TERRORISTA Judio “Israelita” donde para viajar de un pueblo cercano a otro, los Palestinos necesitan permisos especiales, …en su propia tierra! Sus viviendas y bienes raices son confiscadas a diario con pretextos y acusaciones de ser parte de “terroristas” Palestinos sin contundentes pruebas. Estas maniobras son parte de la conspiracion de los Judios “Israelitas” Zionistas asesinos e imperialistas para robarles mas tierras con el objeto de expandir el colonialismo de ocupacion y con el intento de desalojar a los Palestinos sin permitirles regresar. El sistema judicial para el pueblo Palestino en contra los “Israelitas” casi es inexistente. El pueblo Palestino NUNCA fue consultado por los Britanicos antes de la ocupacion de estas tierras quienes despues las accedieron a los invasores Judios ashkeNAZI Europeos en 1948 bajo el “Balfour Declaration” (La Declaracion Balfour) quien lo inicio el Secretario Britanico de Relaciones Exteriores, Arthur Belfour. (Ay chispas! Hmmmm… Como que me suena y me huele igual al Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo del 2 de Febrero del 1848! Casi 100 anos de diferencia. O no?!) Desde entonces y hasta fecha presente los cuidadanos Palestinos INDIGENAS son tratados como vil ilegales y en muchas ocasiones tambien son deportados, …de sus propias tierras Palestinas! (Hay la llevamos por “iguanas” RAZA!) Sin embargo la prensa y casi todos los medios de comunicaciones en este pais de ameriKKKa por lo general se les acusa de ser controlado y manipulado por los Judios Zionistas pro “Israelitas”. La propaganda politica en pro “Israel” en los EUA siempre se esta abogando con mentiras y hipocresia al publico nacional y mundial como un “Israel” democratico cuando todo es lo contrario. El pueblo Palestino en ese pais es lamentable y totalmente aislado e ignorado como si no existiera un pueblo Palestino. En la realidad historica, NUNCA existio un tal “Israel” y HAMAS va a existir un “Israel” Zionista racista y colonialista mientras un solo Palestino INDIGENA hombre, mujer y nino esten en pie de lucha por su liberacion popular para erradicar los invasores extranjeros Europeos que falsamente se hacen pasar por “Judios askeNAZIS”!
En un futuro proximo les re-editare una columna que escribi y fue publicado en 1998; THE RISE AND FALL OF A ZIONIST STATE. (LA ASCENSION Y CAIDA DE UN ESTADO ZIONISTA). Publicado por; The Black Panther Party International Newspaper. Este humilde servidor Chicano, exmiembro y a mucha honra, aporto a esta organizacion militante revolucionaria Afro Americano; The Black Panther Vanguard Movement de Los Angeles, Ca.
Saalaam Aleiqum! Thank for posting my column my brothers. I am a Chicano Palestinian cybershahid freedom fighter in the struggle for OUR national liberation. ALLAH AKBAR!
E.F. Mohammed Martinez aka AZTECWARRIOR
Saalaam Aleiqum! Oh! I forgot to previously mention the following; I am in the process of translating this column into English. It will be ready for publication very shortly. ALLAH AKBAR!
E.F. Mohammed Martinez aka AZTECWARRIOR
Hey, Aztecwarrior, you're going to take on the USA? You don't stand a chance. But oh, yeah, you're going to kill innocent civilians, right? You're not going to fight a real war, you're just going to kill because it gets your rocks off. You guys get off on killing non-Muslims, right?
What is your "national liberation"? Please tell us.
I forgot to mention, Hammid: your site makes me want to puke, especially after reading your buddy aztecwarrior. You guys are all the same, no matter where you're from. Kill, kill, kill.
Mr. Hound. You do not understand the oppression in Palestine or Aztlan.
I have seen first hand the suffering of the Aztlanian people. I took the path of the suffering Mexican warriors. I was chased by the illegal border authorities.
The torture people suffer just to come to a place where they get tortured again. I know from your other post that you are a Canadian. But you're still a chronie zionist neocon. The land of the american southwest was stolen as the jews stole the land of the Palestinians and call it israel. Americans (european white non-aryans) Stole the land from the native tribes and Mexicans. You put up a wall and call it america.
Like I said before Mr hound, "get over it". I stand side by side with Aztec Warrior and the Aztlan people! Viva Aztlan y viva Palestine!
Hey, Hammid and Aztec,
I've got some news for you: there is no land called Palestine. Your Arab Muslim brothers stole the land they live on from Jews. There was an Israel before you murdering Muslim animals invaded and conquered. The Jews came back to their land (Israel), kicked your Muslim ass off it, enriched it with a real infrastructure and made it so much more than just a place for Muslims to soak with blood and camel piss.
And what's up with Mexico anyway? You guys seem to like killing Canadians down there. There have been about five Canadians (last time I counted) killed down there in the last year. Has all of Mexico become Muslim? I mean, after all, Muslims like to kill non-Muslims, so I'm assuming maybe you guys have all converted. Ask your buddy here, Hammid (the Muslim intellectual who started this sick blog), maybe he can tell you).
Have you ever seen Jewish suffering? I have. The only time you and animals like Haamid get your rocks off is when you're killing Jews. According to you Muslims, there is no Jewish suffering.
It NEVER ceases to amaze me how most ameriKKKan white WASPS (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) and pro apartheid Zionist Jewish "Israel" adherents can creep out of their sewers and bottom pit wallowing in excrement backyard outhouses they call "home" and spew their race hating venom on brother Haamid's great website here! Then again it's important to note that when OUR ENEMIES bark like hungry and wounded rabid dogs, it means WE are doing OUR revolutionary duties! When these RACIST dogs stay silent, ...it means WE are NOT fullfiling OUR revolutionary duties!
E.F. Mohammed Martinez aka AZTECWARRIOR
The Jews of Israel put up a wall to prevent murderers like you and Hammid from killing people. There's no apartheid about it at all, Aztec, that's only a political invention of the Islamic hordes.
Answer me this question, either Aztec or Hammid: why does Islam inspire Muslims to kill people? I would really like your answer to that question. I have my own answer, but I'd like your answer.
Hey ya rabid HocKKKey Hound Dog! First let's see if YOU can answer why is it that white RACIST XENOPHOBE ameriKKKa's HIS-story is based on GLOBAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, i.e., Native American GENOCIDE (The Trail Of Tears and The Pine Ridge Massacre, etc); the importation of African slaves against their own free will to ameriKKKan cotton plantations; Japanese Americans in 1941 forced into many ameriKKKan built taxpaying barbed wired and military armed guard CONCENTRATION CAMPS; the stealing of Mexican owned lands whereas on many occasions murdering their rightful Mexican land owners; the overthrowing and murdering of popular elected world leaders, i.e.; Guatemala's Arbenz Guzman in 1954; Iran's Motzade (I believe I mispelled his name) whom the CIA replaced him with the Shah Reza Pelavi in the 1950s; Chile's assassinated Salvador Allende on 9/11/1973 whom the Nixon Administration, the CIA and Henry Kissinger are DOCUMENTED to have been involved and RESPONSIBLE to had replaced him with the brutal late dictator, Agusto Pinochet; President Diem of South Vietnam by a CIA coup, thereafter the war of attrition for the next 10 years ensued; the recent miserably failed CIA financed coup against Venezuela's popular President, Hugo Chavez Frias (See YOU TUBE's; THE "REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED"); Zionist "Israel's" and ameriKKKa's plot to overthrow the Palestinian HAMAS popular ELECTED goverment and supporting the Judas TRAITOR Mahmoud Abbas; Haiti, Greneda, Panama, Santo Domingo, the former African Belgian Congo, former apartheid South Africa and the former "Rhodesia", now Mozambique; AZTLAN, a land of the new INTIFADA! WE RAZA ARE THE NEW PALESTINIANS OF AZTLAN! Oh yea! I can go on and on and chart out ameriKKKa's bloody psychopath HIS-story of MURDER and COLONIZATION to no end. So tell me Clitus, are YOU throwing your first stone hea boy?! By the way, ALL this information I have posted here is exposed and DOCUMENTED by your own ameriKKKan public school class HIS-tory text books! Hmmmmmmm...?! TOUCHE! I REST MY CASE! I REMAIN DEFIANT!
"IF IT'S A GOOD FIGHT! I WANT TO BE IN IT!" ...Rev. Dr. Vernon Johns, Pastor. Montgomery, Alabama (Circa: 1950)
E.F. Mohammed Martinez aka AZTECWARRIOR
(The following is the revised English version.)
Pueblos Sin Voces Columna / People Without Voices Column
By E.F. Mohammed Martinez
Our land of AZTLAN (Occupied Mexico) from California to Texas was NEVER ceded voluntarily. The invading colonialist EuroameriKKKans “arrived” in Plymouth RocKKK, Massachusetts on December 1620, …ILLEGALLY! (What else is new!) Unfortunately the biggest fatal mistake our INDIGENOUS Native American brothers made was when our contemporary XENOPHOBE RACIST enemies’ predecessors, were not asked for their damn “Green Cards” or a “Passports” before allowing them to contaminate this continent with their venereal diseases and other lethal life threatening biological plagues for future centuries! (Yea! …Right!) These white heathen barbarian Europeans are not the only ones who washed ashore illegally on this Northern continent from England. I can equally point out how this similar grave HIS-storical travesty was also repeated by OUR INDIGENOUS AZTEC ancestors when the Spanish conquistadors Hernan Cortez and his band of invading cut throat thieves were no less murderous and racist than the Mayflower lawless gringo pirates in the same light when they pillaged and plundered almost all of Latin America and the Caribbean Islands.
People, let’s get down with it! After more than 387 years, today WE suffer the consequences of Anglo Saxon AmeriKKKan colonialism and their GLOBAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! The police abuses and racist attacks against OUR undocumented RAZA by ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) with roundups and deportations on a massive scale continue unabated on a daily basis. OUR neoNAZI Brown Shirt MINUTEMEN enemies are not too far behind this RACE WAR either!
The miserably recent failed “Amnesty” Bill was NEVER beneficial to OUR undocumented communities who reside in THE DISUNITED SNAKKKES OF XENOPHOBE RACIST IMPERIALIST AMERIKKKA! (The undocumented have better luck obtaining “Amnesty” in McArthur Park. Wink! Wink!) Had that “Amnesty” law passed, without a doubt it would had separated thousands of families for several years and would had also forced many head of household breadwinners to return to their countries of origin and without a guarantee of possibly ever obtaining a solution to their legal status after spending thousands of dollars whereas in the final outcome it would had become a tremendous economic burden, whom the majority of these applicants are low income pay check to pay check workers.
The FACT of this matter is that the recent vetoed U.S. Senate “Amnesty” Bill was NEVER introduced nor debated in good faith from the outset. As far as most of these Washington DC Senate “carnival snake oil barkers”, “dummycrats” and RepublicsKKKums alike who depend on OUR RAZA VOTES, it was just another political “circus pony ride” and a joke on OUR undocumented RAZA, …PERIOD!
Now, let’s ask ourselves the next polemic question; What do WE have in common with OUR Arab Palestinian brethren across thousands of miles from AZTLAN who live under European colonialism in the racist criminal TERRORIST apartheid ashkeNAZI so called “Zionist Jewish State of Israel”? MUCHO! These ILLEGAL interloping “Jews” of European origins were NEVER INDIGENOUS to the land of Palestine! (Research and read up on; AZTLAN and MANIFEST DESTINY)
The majority of these selfdescribed Zionist “Israeli” Jews originally hailed from Russia, Poland, Germany and the rest of Europe. After the Second World War, Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust Jewish victim survivors later became the 21ST Century GLOBAL CRIMINAL GANGSTERS AGAINST HUMANITY! YESTERDAY’S OPPRESSED ARE TODAY’S OPPRESSORS IN PALESTINE!
These self-described Zionist “Israelis” today are the descendants of Hitler’s former “good” students whom they were taught well how to commit the same brutalities and genocidal atrocities in cold blood against the Palestinian people in their own homeland! Sad but true, the victims became the victimizers in the final outcome of the Nazi Holocaust. Since 1948 to present day, Palestinians have been forced to live under an “Israeli” government sanctioned TERRORIST brutal and repressive occupation, led by the IDF (“Israeli” Defense Forces). For one Palestinian to travel and visit a nearby town or village, they need special permits, ...in their own land! What human humiliation! Their homes and properties are almost daily confiscated with false pretexts and conjured up accusations of aiding and abetting their “terrorist” relatives on heresy false information without overwhelming evidence to prove otherwise.
“Israel” today stands accused of criminal past and present human rights violations by many international human rights organizations and activists, including conspiracy through colonialist ILLEGAL land grabbing and expansionism with their utmost sinister intent of preventing it’s occupied Palestinian landowning citizens from ever returning to reclaim their rightful land they were forced out without judicial process or recourse to address their grievances in a court of law. Research and read up on; 1948 The Balfour Treaty)
The judicial court system for Palestinians at EVERY level is a misnomer and almost non-existent. (Hello Ramsey Muniz! Hello Leonard Peltier! Hello Mumia Abul Jamaal! Hello ALL political prisoners! And hello Troy Davis, a proven innocent man on Death Row who was about to be executed by the state of Georgia on Tuesday 7/17/07 but was granted a last minute 90 day reprive! And hello RACIST XENOPHOBE ameriKKKa!) This is no different than the pre Nelson Mandela former South African apartheid regime or ameriKKKa’s former segregationist (Apartheid) pre 1950s civil rights era Black JIM CROW in the South and today’s RAZA Brown JIM CROW in AZTLAN, …and as in Palestinian JIM CROW which is today’s Apartheid Zionist “Israel”staple for almost 60 years with the unconditional blessings of ameriKKKa’s powers that be.
Palestinians were NEVER consulted or asked by their pre1948 former British occupiers after Palestine was turned over under the “Balfour Treaty” by the then British Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Secretary of State), Arthur Balfour, to the Zionist Jewish TERRORIST organizations, the LEHI and Irgun. These are the same Zionist Jewish terrorists who on the morning dawn of April 9, 1948 attacked a defenseless Arab Palestinian village, Deir Yassin, as they murdered in cold blood more than 250 men, women and children. (In my future column; THE RISE AND FALL OF A ZIONIST STATE, I will provide more in-depth details of this human atrocity account.)
Great ghosts of fire! Hmmmm… This “Balfour Treaty” almost sounds and smells parallel to what happened in AZTLAN about 160 years ago with OUR Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848!
The colonized and occupied Palestinian people to date are subjected to every indignity as scorned “illegal aliens” in their own rightful land. In most cases they are deported to neighboring Jordan or other Arab countries. (Hello Native Americans and RAZA in ameriKKKa!)
AmeriKKKa’s “mainstream” press media apparatus has been accused by many foreign and American independent news agencies as being controlled and manipulated by AmeriKKKan pro Zionist “Israel” powers that be and the alleged well financed and powerful “American Jewish Lobby” in Washington D.C. and the Pentagon. In addition, the pro “Israel” political propaganda machine has inundated the American general taxpaying public and the international communities with LIES and HYPOCRISY by claiming to be a “democratic land of Israel” by it’s “Israeli” tourist industry. In their foreign tourism propaganda, they NEVER mention their brutal human rights record, as previously mentioned, and how Palestinians are totally isolated and ignored as a nonexistent occupied people under the force of military arms. What arrogance! What audacity!
In all historical reality, there was NEVER initially a self termed Zionist State of “Israel” entity, nor a European interloping ashkeNAZI “Jewish” people in Palestine before 1948. And there will NEVER be an apartheid Zionist “Israel” as long as one single INDIGENOUS Palestinian man, woman and child remains in the struggle to eradicate with extreme prejudice if need be, the present occupying “Israeli” cancer that permeates colonized Palestine! (Hmmmm… Now where have I heard this before?!)
I would like to hear your opinions at; aztecchicanointifada@yahoo.com
You talk about lands "stolen" from native peoples? Have you studied anything about Islam's conquest of Spain, Italy, Sicily, Greece, Austria, Hungary, etc.? If you are so concerned about indigenous rights of peoples to their native land, why are you a Muslim? Can you not see the hypocrisy of that position? But Muslims are so hypocritical anyway. You are a joke. You make sciolistic statements without any reflection whatsoever. Do you know anything about the history of Islam and its involvement in the slave trade? Apparently not. You and Hammid should do more studying and less name-calling.
"The fool rages and is confident."
From Magic City Morning Star
Michael Devolin
Islam in Profile
By Michael Devolin
Jun 29, 2007 - 7:34:09 PM
I've never understood the meaning of the term 'profiling' in the negative context as bandied about by the politically correct, especially when this same politically correct crowd is defending the millions upon millions of supersensitive Muslims of this world from those of us who, driven by conscience, voice publicly our concerns about the self-evident patterns of violence constantly associated with the religion of Islam.
I was recently accused of "racial and religious stereotyping" by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission after I presented to them in writing my concerns about Muslims hailing from certain playful Islamic androcracies in the Middle East being given access to McMaster University's Nuclear Reactor located in Hamilton, Ontario. Even worse, in the employ of the CNSC some of these Muslims have been given the responsibility of security at the site of McMaster’s nuclear reactor. My anxieties concerning these placements were, sadly for all Canadians, deemed by CNSC to be irrelevant and irrational.
Apparently the violent and racist profile Islam's very own zealots have for centuries been inadvertently conjuring up for the non-Muslims of this world to delineate goes unnoticed by those of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission whose responsibility it should be, in a post 9/11 world, to evaluate. Have they not noticed, as recounted by Edward N. Luttwak (Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington), the "Muslim-Hindu violence in Kashmir, Muslim-Christian violence in Indonesia and the Philippines, Muslim-Buddhist violence in Thailand, Muslim-animist violence in Sudan, Muslim-Igbo violence in Nigeria, Muslim-Muscovite violence in Chechnya, or the different varieties of inter-Muslim violence between traditionalists and Islamists, and between Sunnis and Shiites"? Luttwak's observations are not in any sense "racial and religious profiling" but rather a picture of veridical Islam - the real Islam. Anyone see a pattern here? I know I do.
In one day in one newspaper I read about the Sword of Islam being bestowed upon Osama bin Laden by Muslim clerics of the Pakistan Ulema Council, death threats (fatwas) issued and angry protests on the streets of cities around the world in reaction to Salman Rushdie being knighted by England's Queen, Hamas and Fatah gunmen of Gaza killing each other (and anyone who happens to be in the line of fire), suicide bombings in Iraq and Afghanistan. The list just keeps growing. No one is profiling Islam more than Muslims themselves. And I'm committing "religious profiling" because I'm discomposed about the fact that adherents of Islam, who emigrated from countries where all this hell-raising is taking place, are working on McMaster University's nuclear reactor? My fear is unjustified? I think not.
The ever prescient Christopher Hitchens of Vanity Fair, writing in defence of Salman Rushdie’s character and distinguished writing career, points out that "our media regularly make the assumption that the book burners and fanatics really do represent the majority, and that assumption has by no means been tested. (If it is ever tested, and it turns out to be true, then can we hear a bit less about how one of the world's largest religions mustn’t be confused with its lunatic fringe?). As I've written in other articles, one can properly judge a religion, not by its exceptional personalities, but only by how that same religion manifests itself within the masses of those who adhere to its tenets. In this sense, in my opinion, Islam has failed mankind and has proven to be a lethally insalubrious religious ideology. Such a threatening reality corroborates the veracity of the Yiddish proverb, "A crooked light casts a crooked shadow."
Indeed. This media assumption noted by Mr. Hitchens I happened to convey to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. But to no avail. Their measure of my fear of Islam and Muslims being conterminous to a nuclear reactor in my country - in my neck of the woods! - is that "allegations based on religion or race, without any supporting evidence in connection to issues, have not and will not be taken into account by the Commission in its consideration of any matter before it." And with that the CNSC granted McMaster University a licence to operate a nuclear reactor on its campus for another seven years. And so with utter exasperation I now ask those members of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, How much evidence do you need?
Written by Michael Devolin
© Copyright 2002-2007 by Magic City Morning Star
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